26 June 2014
The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) was set up in May 2011 as one of 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in England. Established by the Coalition Government, LEPs play a central role in determining local economic priorities and undertaking activities that drive economic growth and the creation of local jobs.
SEMLEP aspires to be one of the most innovative, successful and high performing Local Enterprise Partnerships in England. The partnership is operated jointly by the private and public sectors in the area, to promote the South East Midlands as a prime growth location for business, investors and visitors.
We are looking for a supplier to deliver, on a monthly basis, a report that provides a review and commentary of all corporate finance related transactions; including mergers & acquisitions, management buyouts, venture capital investment and public flotation’s. The report will also capture any other significant news stories that demonstrate the success of businesses within the South East Midlands region.
The report will aim to highlight the strengths and capabilities of the South East Midlands business community. Specific focus will be placed on South East Midlands-based businesses’ ability in attracting investment from outside the region, both on a national and international scale, as well as demonstrating their growth aspirations by means of acquisitions and partnerships with international counterparts. The report will also capture SEMLEP’s credentials in supporting businesses within the South East Midlands, its competence in drawing investment into the region as well as highlighting the strength of the professional services advisory community across the patch.
The report will be submitted on or before the Friday of the second week of every month. This will ensure that any outstanding or unannounced deal activity from the previous month is collated and correctly represented. The report will comprise between 700-1,000 words and be supported by an appendix of all transactions.
The contract will be awarded to the successful applicant and will run until March 2015.
The closing date for all bids will be at 5pm on 7th July 2014. Please email your quotation and any enquiries to ellen.withey@semlep.com.