Economic information & supporting data insights

Established in 2011, the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) helps economic growth thrive across the region.

Working closely with the Growth Hub, SEMLEP works to build a strong economy by tackling barriers to sustainable growth and supporting job creation for the future prosperity of communities across the South East Midlands.

As part of their role, SEMLEP created a series of reports to better understand the business landscape in the region. These reports can be found below.

Economic Recovery Strategy: evidence summary

A compilation of all area-specific evidence, brigaded by theme

Business meeting between three colleagues.

Regional Equality & Diversity data

Take a look at the key conclusions from the data and analysis of data to inform local policy and investment decision making.

4 people looking at laptop, 2 standing, 2 sitting

Digital Capabilities & supporting evidence

Digital skills and infrastructure are crucial to the future prosperity of the area. They underpin productivity improvements across the business population as a whole – with one in five job postings in the area now explicitly requiring digital skills – and are also key to transformational growth opportunities in the South East Midlands and wider Oxford-Cambridge Arc.

Labour Market information

The links below provide employer-led labour market information for the South East Midlands to assist with decision making for individuals, educator staff and businesses.

SEM Warehousing & Logistics

Nationally, there is high demand for large industrial premises, with logistics spaces in particularly high demand. SEMLEP commissioned Iceni Projects to complete a sector review of warehousing and logistics for the South East Midlands area.

This report is in response to actions identified in the South East Midlands’ Local Industrial Strategy which included, enabling a balanced pipeline of commercial premises for the area as well as assisting innovation and productivity growth across the area’s logistics sector. 

This report this is a sector report and is not SEMLEP-recommended policy nor is it to be viewed in any way as targets for warehousing and logistics development and growth in the region. The purpose is to provide independent information of the opportunities and threats and long-term market pressures present within the South East Midlands area. 


Key industry Clusters & Capabilities

Businesses in the South East Midlands are at the cutting-edge of new technology, driving research and furthering expertise in nationally important growth sectors. We have one of the strongest levels of university-business collaboration in the country, and businesses here are consistently top in terms of product and service innovation.