Electric Powertrain Test Facility (ePFT) – Foundations for Growth Case Study

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The project has created an Electric Vehicle (EV) powertrain technical centre in Brixworth, Northamptonshire, to satisfy the future demand for electric transport. This has been achieved by installing an energy management and storage system to increase power capacity on the Ilmor site, enabling growth of facilities in green propulsion technologies and the first research and development cell for hybrid or fully electric powertrain systems.

Funding Stream: Local Growth Fund (LGF)
LGF Awarded: £0.810M
Total Project Cost: £1.620327M
Delivery Partner: Ilmor Engineering Ltd
Project Status: Completed May 2021
Projected Outputs: 2 new direct jobs, 37 people assisted with learning, reduction of 100.89 tonnes of CO2 per year

March 2022

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