We are currently seeking to increase our network of employers and employees in the Northamptonshire area. As a business, we are committed to providing learners in Northamptonshire the best access possible to in person interactions with businesses in their local area. Often learners have an unrealistic view of the World of Work, thinking that they can make their millions on You Tube or become famous footballers. Whilst we genuinely hope that those who have those ambitions are able to achieve them, the likelihood is that they will need a back up plan. Working with Employers and Employees help break down the misconceptions many students have about routes into employment and the realities of every day work life. You, as Employers and Employees, are in a unique position to become the career role models learners need to help them take their next steps on their careers journey.
Can you give a couple of hours to support students in Key Stages 2 and 3 to learn more about the World of Work? We are currently looking for small and medium sized businesses who are eager to work with young people, but who are not necessarily able to provide work placements. At CCUK we specialise in organising and delivering one off events to schools to support their careers provision.
As part of your afternoon in school you would be working with groups of students to help them complete a number of careers based activities whilst also sharing with them your experiences in the work place and your careers journey. We would like learners to have the opportunity to speak to people from all different industries and professions, however we would be particularly interested in speaking to employers in the following areas- Logistics, Healthcare and Food and Beverages as these reflect the Local Market Information for Northamptonshire.
Your role will be to support the class teacher in the delivery of the careers based tasks, working with small groups, discussing ideas and judging the final entries. All resources are provided as well as a free lunch!
Careers Fairs are mainly for learners aged 14-18, focusing on exploring their next steps. We are looking for employers who would be willing to have an information stand for either a full or half day at careers fairs either in school or in an external venue which learners can visit. Businesses would be expected to decorate their stand appropriately and have information and leaflets to hand out to interested learners. They should also expect to be asked questions about their routes through education and their careers journey. Information about potential Apprenticeships and Training opportunities would also be beneficial.
We are looking for small and medium size businesses that are able to offer 3 or 5 day work placements to students currently in years 10 and 12. Dedicated support and guidance will be given in preparation for and during the placement.