New skills grants for companies that employ engineers

15 October 2014

Engineering Skills Grants for Employers

The Department for Education and the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills currently has two new grant schemes for employers, which provide a 50% cash match for improving the skills of their workforce. These are:

  • £10 million to improve engineering careers
  • £10 million to develop women engineers

These funds will remain open for applications until 5th December and can provide a 50% contribution for the following:

  • Training programmes to bring people with STEM skills into engineering
  • Re-skilling programmes to keep engineers in the profession
  • Raising skill levels through the workforce from operator through to technician & towards professional status – including getting more employees to registered technician;

For female employees and career returners, there is also the opportunity to include:

  • “Returner training” to enable women to return to engineering after a career break or work outside engineering profession
  • Pre-apprenticeship programmes to help women into apprenticeships
  • Mentoring and support to help them progress their career
  • Tailored training to meet specific personal and career needs
  • Management and leadership skills

Find out more about how Employee Ownership is supporting engineering skills:

Developing engineering careers

Developing women engineers

For more information contact the employer ownership team, email

