4 September 2024
The South Midlands Business Board, established to advise the South Midlands Authorities on business matters relating to economic growth and development, is recruiting Board Members.
Created as part of the new partnership of local leaders across the South Midlands, the Business Board will play an important role in shaping future economic strategy and ensuring that regional priorities align with the needs and opportunities of businesses across the region.
The South Midlands Authorities is seeking up to 15 representatives from growth key sectors including construction, logistics and healthcare, rural representatives and SME representatives to ensure there is a clear voice of business in strategically developing the South Midlands region.
This is an opportunity for new members to influence decision-making at an executive level, challenge conventional thinking, and become the voice of business for their peers.
Those interested in learning more about the South Midlands Business Board, and the available roles, should download the Recruitment pack, found here > Business Board Recruitment | Growth Hub
Cllr Jim Weir, Business Board Lead said: “The Business Board is the culmination of the hard work that has gone into ensuring the South Midlands Authorities has greater business representation.
The Business Board will enable us to receive direct feedback from business representatives for the entire region, ensuring that our economic growth plans reflect the needs of businesses. I look forward to the recruitment process and announcing the new members to the Business Board in due course.”
For more information, please contact emma.panter@westnorthants.gov.uk